Welcome to the Amiga LVD-2010 Mediaserver. |
You are watching a THX cert... ups , wrong window ;)
Welcome to the Amiga Mediaserver Homepage for wireless DVD Player
from LiteOn.
the aboutwindow.
What does this Mediaserver do?
The Mediaserver does present your mediafiles from your Amigaharddisk.
If you have MPEG-Movies like old VideoCD, SuperVideoCD or DVD tracks
on your harddisk, your LVD-2010 can now play them over the network connection. As it can play AVI and MOV as well as MP3 and OggVorbisstreams,
you can use your Amiga as a storagedevice for your LVD-2010.
In other words, it does the same as the Windows version but against the 46 MB PC-Install, you go with 2.8 MB ( mostly images ) ;)
And here you can Download the Amiga Mediaserver.
(requires NewGUI Release 1.4.5 10.07.2005)
 main GUI
the Maincontrol
- Load reloads the configfile ( you don't need to choose one)
- Save saves your config to disk
- Start starts the mediaserver in the background
- Stop stops any running mediaserver
- Add adds the entered vname and directory to your config.
- greenish blob a requester for the lazy ones ;)
about Setup
You see the VNAME and the directory
it reprents on the disk. Unusual for Amigafilenames you have to convert the name to unix root paths, was not my idea ;). For those who can't remember
the correct directorienames, a Directoryrequester will popup if you
click the green pearl. It will automatically convert the Directorystring correct to a unix rootpath.
If you enter the path manually click here to learn more about the syntax.
It's important !!!
If you change something you have to restart the server!
real Setup
Everything you see in the left box will be shown as an entry in the startpage of your Amiga Media Server. If you navigate to the specific link,
the content of the diretory will be shown.
Only the directory and all subdirectories are accessible from outside.
if the server encounters such a request, you get this:

CPU usage 68040/33
This is the cpu usage of a 33 MHZ 68040 while transfering
an mpeg-1-video. The green 100 % mark the position where the player
caches some data i.e. at startup or skipping to another position.
An Amiga 1200 with a PCMCIA Card and Miami could serv at best speed
an MPEG-2 SVCD with ~1.9 MBit/s avg. MPEG-1 is no problem and DIVX
depends on the compression used in the AVI. Serving Mp3 does not
take noteable cpu usage .
While checking on a PEG-1 MOS 1.4 from DVD it does work perfect, as the PEG-1 does transport up to 2 MB/s with miami.
You can read the archive readme (here)!